For asbestos, this involves attending an initial training course and an annual refresher course. Performance provides asbestos training that has met the requirements for approval by the EPA as detailed in the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and the Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Reauthorization Act (ASHARA). In addition, Performance’s asbestos training is accredited by the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) Asbestos Program. Courses include Asbestos Supervisor, Asbestos Building Inspector, Asbestos Project Designer and Asbestos Management Planner. Further, our Building Inspector Refresher has been approved under State of Indiana Administrative Code 326 Article 18-2.
PLEASE NOTE THAT CLASSES MAY BE CANCELLED IF THERE IS A LACK OF DEMAND. Performance cannot guarantee a scheduled class will take place but will make every effort to gather enough students to conduct the class.
In addition, please note that all classes are only taught in English.
This 3-day initial course is designed for persons who will engage in investigations related to locating asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). The course topics include background information on asbestos, potential health effects related to asbestos exposure, functions, qualifications and the role of inspectors, legal liabilities of building inspectors, understanding building systems, public/employee/building occupant relations, pre-planning activities, inspection and sampling techniques, assessing condition and applicable asbestos regulations. This course meets the EPA AHERA and ASHARA requirements for an Asbestos Building Inspector as approved by the State of Michigan LEO Asbestos Program requirements.
This 4-hour refresher course is designed for persons who will engage in investigations related to locating asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). The course topics include background information on asbestos, potential health effects related to asbestos exposure, functions, qualifications and the role of inspectors, legal liabilities of building inspectors, understanding building systems, public/employee/building occupant relations, pre-planning activities, inspection and sampling techniques, assessing condition and applicable asbestos regulations. There is an Indiana approved version that meets the EPA AHERA and ASHARA requirements, and a Michigan approved version that meets the State of Michigan LEO Asbestos Program requirements.
This 5-day initial course is designed for persons managing or overseeing asbestos abatement projects. The course topics include background information on asbestos, potential health effects related to asbestos exposure, legal and insurance considerations, contract specifications, pre-work activities and considerations, personal protective equipment, medical surveillance programs, preparing the work area and establishing the decontamination unit, confining and minimizing airborne fibers, safety and health considerations other than asbestos, cleaning up the work area, sampling and analytical methodology pertaining to abatement, waste disposal requirements, post removal lockdown procedures, and a regulatory review. This course meets the EPA AHERA and ASHARA requirements for an Asbestos Supervisor and also the OSHA Competent Person for Class I and II work activities.
This 8-hour refresher course is designed for persons managing or overseeing asbestos abatement projects. The course topics include background information on asbestos, potential health effects related to asbestos exposure, legal and insurance considerations, contract specifications, pre-work activities and considerations, personal protective equipment, medical surveillance programs, preparing the work area and establishing the decontamination unit, confining and minimizing airborne fibers, safety and health considerations other than asbestos, cleaning up the work area, sampling and analytical methodology pertaining to abatement, waste disposal requirements, post removal lockdown procedures, and a regulatory review. This course meets the EPA AHERA and ASHARA requirements for an Asbestos Supervisor and also the OSHA Competent Person for Class I and II work activities.
This 3-day initial course is designed for individuals who will develop written project specifications for asbestos abatement projects. The course topics include background information on asbestos, potential health effects associated with asbestos exposure, overview of conducting an abatement project and roles of various disciplines, considerations in designing engineering controls, abatement in occupied buildings, protection of asbestos abatement project personnel, safety considerations, air sampling protocols/requirements/data interpretation, lockdown and replacement materials, legal and insurance considerations and applicable asbestos regulations.
This 8-hour refresher course is designed for individuals who develop written project specifications for asbestos abatement projects. The course topics include background information on asbestos, potential health effects associated with asbestos exposure, overview of conducting an abatement project and roles of various disciplines, considerations in designing engineering controls, abatement in occupied buildings, protection of asbestos abatement project personnel, safety considerations, air sampling protocols/requirements/data interpretation, lockdown and replacement materials, legal and insurance considerations and applicable asbestos regulations.
This 2-day initial course is designed for those individuals who write management plans in schools, as is required in the EPA AHERA regulation. The course topics include an evaluation and interpretation of asbestos survey results, hazard assessment techniques, legal implications, evaluation and selection of control options, developing an operations and maintenance plan, regulatory review, recordkeeping, assembling and submitting the management plan, and cost estimations. This course meets the EPA AHERA and ASHARA requirements for an Asbestos Management Planner.
Please note that you must be an asbestos inspector prior to taking this course.
This 4-hour refresher course is designed for those individuals who write management plans in schools, as is required in the EPA AHERA regulation. The course topics include an evaluation and interpretation of asbestos survey results, hazard assessment techniques, legal implications, evaluation and selection of control options, developing an operations and maintenance plan, regulatory review, recordkeeping, assembling and submitting the management plan, and cost estimations. This course meets the EPA AHERA and ASHARA requirements for an Asbestos Management Planner.
This 4-day course provides training to help create or upgrade existing skills of individuals in the identification and quantification of asbestos in the workplace and provide new instruction to individuals in how to analyze air samples for the presence of asbestos fibers.