This 8-hour ONLINE course is designed for persons managing or overseeing asbestos abatement projects. The course topics include background information on asbestos, potential health effects related to asbestos exposure, legal and insurance considerations, contract specifications, pre-work activities and considerations, personal protective equipment, medical surveillance programs, preparing the work area and establishing the decontamination unit, confining and minimizing airborne fibers, safety and health considerations other than asbestos, cleaning up the work area, sampling and analytical methodology pertaining to abatement, waste disposal requirements, post removal lockdown procedures, and a regulatory review. This course meets the EPA AHERA and ASHARA requirements for an Asbestos Supervisor and also the OSHA Competent Person for Class I and II work activities.
Please note that the State of Ohio now accepts online training.
Also, online course login information will be sent to the email address provided in the registration a few days before class.